Affiliate Disclosure


The Dating Ranking site is an open online resource that everybody can use free of charge. Its mission is to compare various online dating platforms and help you make the right choice for an incredible dating experience. Note that our Company cannot provide information about all available dating websites and applications.

The developer of the Website gets different forms of compensation for advertising dating websites and applications and all their services. The level of compensation depends on positioning, rating, and products/services.

However, a user must understand that the compensation is one of the many factors that influence all the posted content and topics. Before presenting our site/app’s rating and our personal opinion about the services, the Company does an in-depth analysis of different criteria, such as the reputation, brand market, current rates of conversion, etc. The interests of our customers are our top priority.

Additionally, the LoverAdvisor website may contain certain advertising materials, including (but not limited to) banners, pop-ups, and video/audio materials. The textual content gets presented in a creative manner so that it can contain a certain number of wording exaggerations.