the Tinder Ban
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Everything You Need to Know About the Tinder Ban

Everything You Need to Know About the Tinder Ban

Tinder is one of the most popular online dating apps with a huge audience of active users. And being blocked on Tinder is an unfortunate nuisance that can happen to anyone in the community. And the most unpleasant thing about the Tinder ban is its irreversibility – if you’ve been locked out of your account, it’s forever. Is there a way out if you want to get back into the ranks of users? In this article, we will cover everything in detail about Tinder ban issues: whether there is a Tinder ban workaround and how to appeal Tinder ban, what violations you can be blocked for, and what you need to know about the Tinder IP ban in order not to get re-banned. You’ll find out for sure if the Tinder blocking will be permanent or if you can try to get your account back.

Reasons Why You Can Get a Tinder Ban

Millions of people use Tinder every day, and for everyone’s comfort and to maintain order on the dating platform, a number of rules have been developed for violation of which there is a ban. In addition, Tinder uses feedback from other users in its blocking decisions. The system does not have the ability to track every message sent, so it relies on complaints and reports from participants. Problems can also arise if something in your profile seems inappropriate or offensive to others. If your Tinder profile has been banned, you’ll get a message when you try to log in to your account, but you won’t be told exactly what happened or why you were banned. Below we’ll go into detail about the most common reasons why users get a Tinder ban so that you have the opportunity to avoid this error. If blocking your account is a fact, you will learn how to bypass Tinder ban, which you will need to do.

Unacceptable Behavior

The most common and yet most apparent reason for being banned is your behavior. Aggression, insults, hostility, and threats of violence are prohibited in the Tinder community. It is also strictly forbidden to post any content that advocates or endorses violence, incites hatred, justifies intolerance, or mistreats people or animals. There are many reasons to be offensive to another person, even unknowingly. Do not comment on another person’s religion, nationality, or ethnicity. Do not discuss a person’s age, gender, or background, as your subjective thoughts about this could be mistaken for rudeness and an attempt to offend. Be very polite when messaging, and don’t use profanity, even if you don’t mean anything bad – it’s forbidden on Tinder. Tinder’s automated system can detect “harmful language” in messages sent by users and asks if you really want to use such language. This has already helped reduce the amount of profanity in correspondence by 10%. Remember that if you speak rudely or use profanity, you may be complained about. If complaints are repeated, a Tinder ban is guaranteed.


Tinder, which is as tolerant as possible and known for its tolerance, prohibits even the smallest manifestations of racism. We believe that every user is aware of the unacceptability of racism, not only in online dating but also in real life. If you use racist language or call someone a racial or ethnic name, you will get a Tinder ban, and there is no way to avoid it. If your comment does not seem racist to you, it may seem racist to another user or many users, and they will complain about you. Even quotes from famous people or song texts can play a cruel joke. Sometimes what you find funny or witty looks offensive to other users. Before giving you a final verdict and expelling you, Tinder will send a warning and ask you to reread the rules and agree that you won’t violate them again. If complaints continue, welcome to the Tinder ban.


Sexist prejudices are found among societies all over the world, including modern democratic societies. Equally, racism and sexism are forbidden on Tinder. If you are found to be sexist, you will be banned. As stated in the community rules, users are free to express themselves as long as it doesn’t hurt the feelings of others. You may not post content that shows signs of sexism, such as prejudice, negative attitudes, or antipathy toward people of a particular gender. Don’t do this if you don’t want to get caught in the Tinder ban. More often than not, girls and women of all ages are confronted with signs of sexism. Of course, there’s a chance they’ll just pass over such expressions or delete the comment and forget about it. But it is more likely that you will be complained about for using sexist phrases. The result of such reports is already known – you will have to find a way to bypass the Tinder ban.

Homophobic Remarks

The Tinder app offers several types of sexual orientations to choose from when registering. Of course, not only heterosexuals but also gays, lesbians, bisexuals, asexuals, and many other members of the LGBT community use this platform. In the Tinder community, homophobia is on a par with racism, sexism, and other forms of discrimination against people and is, of course, punishable by a ban. There is a single standard of conduct for all users, and it is forbidden to insult anyone.

If you’re a man and you specify your heterosexual orientation in your profile, you’re unlikely to meet any homosexual users – Tinder algorithms won’t show you such accounts. That way, you will avoid contact with homosexuals. If you specifically seek them out to chat about things you haven’t been asked about, or opinions on queer issues, or to discuss global trends related to the LGBT community, you’re guaranteed to get a Tinder ban. Tolerance is one of the ground rules on Tinder, and there will be no homophobia or insulting users for their sexual preference.

Erotic Content

Statistically, nude photos get five times fewer likes than normal photos. And it’s guaranteed to result in a Tinder ban if you’re complained about or detected by Tinder’s clever security algorithms. The community does not allow explicit images, nudity, or explicitly sexual content. It is also forbidden to describe sexual preferences in any detail in your bio. Just follow the rules of decorum and don’t post things you wouldn’t be able to say out loud in polite society. The same goes for texting other users. Don’t send nude pictures of yourself unless you’re asked to.


Tinder doesn’t like spam as much as any other social media user. But unlike ordinary users, the app system will not tolerate spammers and blocks them instantly.

Not only can blatant advertising be considered spam, but it also attempts to send many users the same message, even if it is an innocent expression “hello, how are you?” To avoid looking for a way to get around the Tinder ban, bother to send your matches different messages. You can also get a spam ban for multiple messages to the same person. Think about it. Maybe you’re not getting a response just because you don’t want to be answered? Don’t try to get through to one person who doesn’t intend to talk to you; better focus on your other matches to avoid getting a complaint about spamming, and as a consequence, a Tinder ban.

Making Money

Besides the apparent attempts to promote your services or social networks, there is another interesting way to make money or get banned on Tinder. Often girls want to repeat the famous experience with the viral message “send me $5 and see what happens. They list cash app/Venmo or “send me $5” in their bio. But Tinder wasn’t created to advertise, and certainly not to get donations or sell their nude images. Asking to send money through a payment system or trying to sell anything is blocked. Try mentioning a phrase in your profile with Venmo information, and you will get a Tinder Venmo ban, even if you do it in jest.

Fake Profile

Creating a fake identity is fun, but Tinder is not designed for deception. If you try to impersonate another person to mislead users on Tinder, you will be banned no matter what your purpose is. The fastest and easiest way to get a Tinder ban is to make an obviously fake profile or try to impersonate a celebrity. The app is constantly working to improve its recognition system to block fake accounts. To the same end, every complaint about a fake page from community members is scrutinized.

Young Age

Access to all of Tinder’s features is restricted to those over the age of 18. The app is cautious about this and doesn’t make exceptions for anyone. So don’t even try to make jokes about being under 18, and don’t pretend to be a teenager, or you’ll get a Tinder ban. It is also forbidden to post pictures of children, even if they are your own children. If you want to add a family photo with your children to your profile, you must be in the picture too. Of course, it is strictly forbidden to post content that depicts minors in a sexual or defiant manner.

This is one of the reasons for blocking, where users often say they got a Tinder ban for no reason. In fact, the reason is posting other people’s material or copyrighted content without the copyright holder’s permission.

How to Get Around Tinder Ban?

Maybe you broke one of the rules, and your account is already in a ban. How long does Tinder ban last? I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but most Tinder bans are permanent. Can you appeal a Tinder ban? Yes, and your only chance of getting your old account back is probably to try to appeal the blocking decision. Keep in mind that there is no formal Tinder ban appeal procedure in this app. You will have to communicate with the support team to try to convince them that your account is blocked by mistake and you have not violated any rules. Try to clarify the reasons for being banned and tell your version of the situation. If you know exactly why you were blocked, moreover, Tinder warned you that this kind of behavior could lead to blocking, an appeal will not help and will be just a waste of time. But this is not the end of the story, and we offer simple instructions on how to create a new Tinder account after ban.

Tinder Ban Workaround 2020-2021

Tinder explicitly says in its rules that if you’ve been banned once, you won’t be able to sign up for Tinder again using your Facebook account and phone number. But there are a few more things to be aware of before you create a new Tinder account after ban. The app can identify you not only by your phone number but also by the social networks your account has been linked to, as well as by your credit card and even your photos. To prevent this from happening, follow each step in our instructions carefully.

Use Another Mobile Number

You can’t create a new profile using the same phone number. The solution is very simple – get a new number. You can use virtual numbers to register your account, or you can buy a new SIM card. The second option is preferable because you’ll always have access to your number if Tinder asks you to reconfirm it, which happens quite often. You won’t have to give up your usual phone number, because you only need a new SIM card to register.

Create a New Facebook Page

This is a prerequisite for those who plan to link their Tinder account to Facebook. If you have done this before, you cannot link a new account to the same page – the system will detect this, and you will get a Tinder ban very quickly.

Before you install the app, you should not only take care of your social networks but also your account on your mobile device. Both your Google account and Apple ID store a lot of data about you, so before you re-download Tinder, create another account and use it to install the app.

Change Your IP Address

Tinder IP ban is a blocking by your IP address that users often forget about when trying to get back from a ban. You risk getting blocked again if you don’t change your IP address before creating a new account. Luckily it’s pretty easy to do – unplug your router and wait a few minutes. Then turn your router back on. The data will update, and you’ll get a new IP address. Now you can move on to register your new account.

Create an Account With New Data

So, you have completed all of the previous steps and are ready to create a new Tinder account after ban. Now the data you enter will be entirely new for the security system, and it will not be able to identify you with one of the previous or banned members. Do not link your new account to social media sites such as Instagram or Spotify if you have done so in the past, because this could lead to a second blocking.

Don’t forget your payment information, either. If you’ve made in-app purchases or paid subscriptions in the past, you’ll need a new credit card for future purchases. You can use your friend’s or family member’s credit card if it’s not linked to your Tinder account.

Add Only New Photos

Artificial Intelligence on Tinder has an image matching system. If you try to add photos to your new profile that you posted in your old account, the system may recognize you and ban you again. Don’t risk the work you’ve already done. Just take new photos for your account. If you’ve been dating on Tinder, you know which photos get more likes, so you can create a better profile that will be popular with other members. If there’s no way to take new pictures, try modifying the ones you have by cropping them with a photo editor and applying filters. This will help trick the image recognition system and avoid a new Tinder ban.

What Is a Tinder Soft Ban?

In addition to the usual ban, when access to the account is denied, the application uses another blocking method called a soft or shadow ban. What does this mean? You can still log into your account, see matches or correspondence, but there are fewer and fewer matches, and the profiles available to view are quickly running out. You get far fewer likes than you used to, and it seems like your account has suddenly lost popularity. This is how the Tinder soft ban works, limiting your number of matches and making the account’s visibility low. The reasons for a shadowban may be the same as for a regular Tinder ban, but you may not immediately realize that you are caught in the shadows. Severe violations of the rules may result in a full shadowban, where your profile and posts become entirely invisible to others. This happens most often when the system identifies you as a bot or spammer or when you re-register after being blocked. Therefore, it is essential to follow all the rules when creating a new Tinder account after a ban to prevent the app from recognizing you.

How to Get Around Tinder Ban 2025?

Now that you have a new account, it’s worth learning what to do to avoid getting blocked again.

Obviously, if you continue to break the rules listed above, a new Tinder ban will be provided for you. It’s up to you whether to follow the advice or not, but think about it, is it worth the risk? After all, you’ll get tired of buying SIM cards, and if you want to stay in the ranks of Tinder members, you’ll have to behave according to the rules.

The same goes for communicating with other members. Don’t do anything that could get you complained about. If you are too sexually explicit, you will also be reported quickly, and your account will be blocked. There are many great ways to set up a date without discussing intimate scenes. To establish communication with your match, be correct and choose your expressions carefully. Sometimes what looks like a compliment to you may seem vulgar or an attempt to offend the other. A sense of humor can help you, but remember that a joke is when it’s funny to everyone, not to one person at the expense of another. Avoid sending the same message to many users, or the system may recognize it as spam. Don’t get into conflicts if you don’t like something – walk away or block that person. There are a lot of nice single people waiting to communicate on Tinder, and there’s no reason to waste your time on a negative experience.

Try to make a pleasant impression on your interlocutor. Find common topics of conversation, discuss hobbies, travel, books, or movies. Say something about yourself that shows off your best qualities and makes you seem like a good person.


Now you know all about what you can do in the app and what you can’t do to avoid getting a Tinder ban. If you do get in trouble and see a message telling you that your account has been banned, there is a way out! We have a simple and very reliable way to solve this problem and create a new Tinder account after a ban. We’ve tested it firsthand and read many testimonials from people who have already been able to successfully get back on Tinder to see if this method works. We’ve also used data from Tinder’s customer service and FAQ section to fully understand the reasons for blocking in the community.

Lilly Melanie
Lilly Melanie
Lilly Melanie
MS, RD & Writer
Lilly is one of the best relationships and dating expert in the industry, she helps thousand of people to solve their problem, and we really glad to have such professional in our team!
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