on One Matchmaking: An Elite Dating Service Sets Up Dates For Single Professionals in Atlanta

One on One Matchmaking: An Elite Dating Service Sets Up Dates For Single Professionals in Atlanta

One on One Matchmaking: An Elite Dating Service Sets Up Dates For Single Professionals in Atlanta

The Short Version: Based in Atlanta, One on One Matchmaking takes a personalized approach to matching single professionals. The company offers a faster and easier way to land compatible dates with long-term potential and attracts quality clients who are tired of navigating dating on their own. About 98% of clients are college-educated professionals in search of committed relationships.One on One Matchmaking inviteseligible men and women to meet on vetted dates and guarantees a set number of matches each month. Plus, the experienced team provides individual feedback, dating coaching, and singles events to make dating more fun and effective. Singles who find dating too time intensive can turn to the elite dating services of One on One Matchmaking to take the stress out of the dating experience.

Hope found her way to love while stuck in traffic. Sitting at the light on the corner of Roswell Road and West Paces Ferry in Atlanta, Georgia, she noticed a storefront advertising personalized matchmaking services for singles. The colorful sign caught her attention and got her thinking. As the light turned green and she went on her way, Hope’s thoughts lingered on the idea that a matchmaker could be exactly what her love life needed.

By the time she got home, she was sold. She phoned the matchmaking company, which was called One on One Matchmaking, to ask for professional assistance in finding a committed relationship. „It was super and the best decision,“ Hopedeclared in a testimonial. Two months into her membership, the matchmakers introduced her to the man she would later marry.

TheOne on One Matchmakingteam believes dating should be a positive experience and works hard to streamline the process for busysingles like Hope. The spirited team scouts the dating landscape to connect theirclients with the most eligible singles in town. For the most part, their clients are career-drivenprofessionals ranging in age from 26 to 68 and seeking long-term partners. These busy individuals save time and energy by taking advantage of One on One Matchmaking’s personalized dating services.

Screenshot of One on One Matchmaking's homepage

The team at One on One Matchmaking brings acan-do attitude to the work they do.

One on One Matchmaking isn’t an indifferent corporate entity; it’s a lean group of dating experts who take the time to focus on each client’s dating preferences. The company’s traditional and concierge matchmaking give Atlanta singles an easy and stress-free way to meet attractive date prospects.

„In its simplest form, we try to have fun at our jobs every day, and we try to truly help people,“ said One on One Matchmaking President Jennifer Miotke. „My theory is singles should come because it’s something they want, not something they need. Don’t join out of fear – it’s going to be fun!“

Boutique Matchmaking: Like a Personal Trainer For Your Love Life

The beauty of One on One Matchmaking is singles just have to explain what they want, and the boutique service will do all the legwork of scouting, vetting, and arranging your dates.According to the website,“One on One Matchmaking is a team of seasoned, results-oriented professional dating consultants, led by Sarah Kathryn Walmsley, with a track record of setting up singles.“

Potential clients go through an initial vetting over the phone for free. Jennifer explained, „During the call, I’m screening them just as they’re screening me.“ If they both agree matchmaking is a good fit, the next step is an hour-long in-person meeting to discuss previous relationships, dating hangups, personal strengths, and long-term goals. The matchmakers want to get inside the mindset of the person to help inform their matching.

„Our clients are highly successful people, and the reason they hire a matchmaker is their time. They can find a date on their own, but it’s much easier for me to do the work for them.“ – Jennifer Miotke, President of One on One Matchmaking

One on One Matchmaking has daily match meetings where the team brainstorms possible matches together. These matchmakers have an intimate knowledge of their clients – from dating history to dealbreakers – so they’re uniquely suited to tailor matches based on personal compatibility.

„I believe what makes a good matchmaker is that they really know their clients,“ said Jennifer. „Corporate firms don’t know the people they’re setting up, so you might as well be on a dating site. You don’t get that personalized service that we provide at One on One Matchmaking.“

If you want a little more attention, men can sign up for the matchmakers‘ VIP package and see pictures of their matches before agreeing to an arranged date. This service is typically popular for wealthy out-of-towners who want some assurance before traveling across the country for a date.

One on One Matchmaking offers a variety of ways to bring singles together.Through its sister company, Eight at Eight, the dating experts arrange romantic dinner parties for four men and four women, who are selectively matched based on criteria like age, education level, hobbies, and background.These special events allow attendeesto find love in a social and casual setting.

One client named Andy said he never would’ve chosen to date his current love, Anna, if he was shown her profile – because she was a single mom with a 4-year-old. However, when they met at a happy hour, both of them lost their preconceived notions and fell in love.

„We’re trying to do more events,“ Jennifer told us. „We do happy hours, wine tastings, and trivia nights as well as the matched dinner parties. A lot of clients end up in relationships because ofthese events, so we want to do more.“

A Fun Team Offers Tailored Matches & Honest Feedback

At One on One Matchmaking, clients are always met with a smile. The team fosters a fun-loving atmosphere to encourage singles to enjoy the dating experience from start to finish. As Russell says in his testimonial: „They are a very lighthearted, fun group of women, but make no mistake – they take their mission of matching you with the perfect match very seriously.“

This team of five matchmakers trains daters with friendly yet blunt feedback on appearance, body language, and dating prowess. They’re not afraid to tell it like it is to make sure the client improves with each date.

„What a great team of people! From the very first meeting with Sarah Kathryn, I knew this was going to be a good experience.“ – Russell, a One on One Matchmaking client

Through selective matching and honest coaching, One on One Matchmaking prepares singles to succeed inthe dating world. Jennifer told us that in the future, she wants to begin expanding dating coaching services to help singles correct certainbehaviors.

„I want to be the authority of dating in Atlanta,“ she said, „because I’m right. If people listen to me, they’ll end up in relationships.“

Personalized Attention Leads to Many Happily Ever Afters

Tom came to Atlanta from the Midwest and had a lucrative career but no dating prospects. The tall, blond 53-year-old was having a crisis of confidence when he turned to One on One Matchmaking. In their initial consult, Jennifer couldn’t believe he was single. „He’s rich and not a prick. He would never cheat on you!“ she gushed.

Soon, she had Tom matched up with his dream girl, and the couple began dating seriously. „My favorite stories are when they’ve almost given up, and you convince them to give it one last try, and it works,“ Jennifer said. „That makes me feel really proud of what we do.“

Photo of Maria and John, One on One Matchmaking clients

Maria and John met and got married thanks to One on One Matchmaking.

„If you’re the type of person who just doesn’t have time to go on bad dates or is just unwilling or unable to navigate the online dating scene, One on One Matchmaking is for you,“ wroteMaria and John, who met via One on One Matchmaking.

The boutique company has matched over 300marriages over the past two decades and paired many more couples in long-term relationships.

„Within five minutes of talking to people, 98% of the time, I can tell you why they’re single,“ Jennifer said. „A lot of the time it’s because they’re just too narrow in what they’re looking for.“

Jennifer does a terrificjob of showing her clients why what they want isn’t working for them and then offering alternative dates who may not fit the client’scriteria but could be a good match just the same. This happened to a 47-year-old single man who wanted to date someone younger than him – but he didn’t want to have kids. After going out with a few baby-obsessed 20-somethings, he took Jennifer’s advice and began dating more mature women with the same life goals as he had.

„The secret of matchmaking,“ according to Jennifer, „is you get them to flex on their parameters. That’s usually what’s hindering them.“

One on One Matchmaking: Concierge Assistance Saves Daters Time

One on One Matchmaking brings added fun and efficiency to the dating experience for singles with high standards and busy schedules. A team of upbeat matchmakers support clients with professional matching and coaching to take the strain out of the search for compatible companions.

Backed by years of experience in the dating industry, Jennifer now runs a thorough and friendly matchmaking service that takes a personal interest in the singles who come to them for help.

„Couldn’t be more thankful to [Jennifer] and Sara Kathryn for a fantastic experience,“ Hope said after meeting the love of her life through One on One Matchmaking. „Don’t hesitate in making this investment in you and true love!“

Photo of the One on One Matchmaking logo

One on One Matchmaking, led by Sara Kathryn and Jennifer Miotke, arranges quality dates for eligible bachelors and bachelorettes.

By taking the time to get to know clients one on one, this boutique matchmaking firm raises the quality level of all their dating services. One on One Matchmaking’s knowledgeable matchmakers arrange custom matches, host dynamic events, and provide meaningful feedback to clients in need of a little guidance.

„We do dating, so we should be laughing,“ Jennifer said. „We treat our clients like friends. Of course, sometimes with a friend, you have to give them tough love.“

Amie Katelyn
Amie Katelyn
Amie Katelyn
MS, RD & Writer
Amie ist unser Dating-Held und weiß alles darüber, wie man die Beziehung zwischen Menschen verbessert! Sie hat ausgezeichnete Fähigkeiten, die sie einsetzt, um das Leben der Menschen zu verbessern!

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